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Seniors and Accessibility Multi-year Plan


A Message from the President


StL Diagnostic Imaging is the largest mobile diagnostic imaging service provider in Canada. Our professional healthcare team is committed to bringing Ontarians the highest quality Ultrasound and X- ray imaging services available to you and your loved ones. We eliminate accessibility barriers by bringing our  services right to your doorstep, and by adapting to individual heath care needs while on site. Whether you have a disability or an accessibility challenge, StL is willing to collaborate with you and your healthcare team to get the services you need effectively, accurately and with the most beneficial outcome possible for your healthcare journey. Recently this was demonstrated by being invited by the University Health Network to co-author a research document for the National Spinal Cord Rehabilitation Program regarding the implementation and evaluation of on-site diagnostic imaging services. The results illustrated that by bringing service to these clients, time and money was saved. It also became an integral part of clients in need, having more time for other important therapies and necessary appointments, while reducing the stress of having to travel to off-site locations while dealing with a life altering spinal cord injury. The benefits of mobile services to this select group was astounding.


StL believes, that everyone should have access to excellent health care and that is why we provide service across Ontario to several locations ranging from hospitals, mental health centers, correctional facilities, mines and finally to retirement and long term care homes. Where permissible, we may also provide service to private homes, where clients are not able to get themselves to a health care center for various reasons. This type of service is in affiliation with the Ministry of Health standards for Integrated Community Health Services Centres (ICHSC) across Ontario. Our head office Clinic in Burlington Ontario is fully AODA compliant, in accordance with Provincial standards and Human Rights Codes.


By being a mobile service care provider, accessibility becomes less of an issue for most Ontarians as we do our very best to communicate with and accommodate those with disabilities or mobility restrictions. StL is committed to revisiting the needs of our community on a continual basis and we will evolve our approach accordingly to ensure our ability to provide high quality service.




StL Diagnostic Imaging strives to meet the needs of its clients and employees with disabilities and is keeping abreast of provincially regulated changes thereby preventing any barriers to accessibility. We are committed to fulfilling our requirements in accordance with O. Reg. 19O. Reg. 191/11: INTEGRATED ACCESSIBILITY STANDARDS ( under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005, S.O. 2005, c. 11 ( This multi-year accessibility plan outlines the steps we are taking to meet those requirements and to improve opportunities for those with disabilities. Our extensive Policy and Procedural guidelines illustrate how we will play our role in making this province accessible for all Ontarians. The Policy is reviewed and updated at least once every five years. Every person is trained as soon as practicable after being hired on these policies and is provided ongoing training with respect to any updates. We maintain records of the training provided including the dates on which the training was provided and the number of individuals to whom it was provided.


Strategies and Actions for Customer Service


In order to comply with the Accessibility Standards for Customer Service, STL has adopted a series of solutions for clients with disabilities. This can also be found in detail in our Policy and Procedural Guidelines (Section 10: AODA, p.4):


  • We have established policies, practices and procedures for providing services to disabled persons.
  • We communicate with a person who has a disability in a way that takes their disability into account.
  • We allow people to use their own assistive devices to access our services.
  • We allow people with a service animal or a support person to include them while accessing our services, unless it is unsafe to do so or excluded by law.
  • We train all staff, volunteers and contractors and a number of other third parties on our Customer Service Standards.
  • We created a process for people to provide feedback for the services they receive in appropriate formats that take their disability into account, as well as a process on how we respond to any feedback we receive (usually within 24-48 hours).
  • We provide notice as soon as possible, if the facility or the service that persons with disabilities relies on, is not available.
  • We train new staff to be able to exemplify the client service standards our company stands by, in a timely manner. StL has a united front on the importance of excellent Customer Service and its related policies.


Information and Communications


  • StL does not assume we know the best way to communicate with a person who has a disability, so we ask if and how we can be of assistance before providing service. We treat all people equally-with dignity and respect. StL provides a safe environment and maintains confidentiality on all fronts.
  • StL will provide information in an accessible format that takes into account a person with a disability. For example, a person with a vision impairment might require a magnifying glass to read instructions; StL can provide instructions in larger print format if that is required.
  • StL is committed to training employees on ways to communicate with those who have a disability. For a more in-depth description, please refer to our Policies and Procedural guidelines (Section 10: Interactions and Communication with People who have a Disability p.6)




  • During the recruitment and hiring process of future potential employees, StL Diagnostic Imaging will make accommodations available for those who require assistance so that the opportunity is equally available to all applicants, even those with disabilities. All suitable candidate applications for new employment will be addressed as soon as it is feasible by our Human Resource Management.
  • If an existing employee sustains a disability while employed at StL Diagnostic Imaging, every effort will be made to assist this person with re-establishing their employment in a modified way that takes their disability into account.




  • All new employees are required to complete the provincially regulated Accessibility Customer Service Standards Training with further Ipac Core Certificates. You must complete this in a timely manner and pass all quizzes. All new hirees have sixty days to complete this training, following the commencement of employment.
  • StL Management Team members are always available to assist and clarify any questions or concerns regarding the application of training in the workplace and as it pertains to clients and especially those clients with disabilities.



Contact Information


For more information on this accessibility plan, please contact:


Tina St. Louis MRT (R)
President, CE

 P: 905-637-6608



Standard and accessible formats of this document are free on request from:


Jason Edwards MRT (R)
Director of Operations

P: 1-800-268-5804 Ext 207
